신부 이야기 (만화)

Through Italki I’ve messaged with someone who recommended the 만화 called 신부 이야기. It was originally published in Japanese, but the translation to Korean is quite nice.

It’s set in the 19th century around the Caspian Sea, and the story follows 20 year old bride 아미르 and her 12 year old child groom 카르르크. Due to the age difference they are considered a bit of an odd pairing… 아미르 is a quite active young lady who has an outgoing personality and knows her way around a bow and arrows so it should be interesting to see how the relationship with her new family unfolds.

The drawings are absolutely beautiful so if in need of some new 만화 inspiration, you might want to check it out.

5 thoughts on “신부 이야기 (만화)

    1. koreanlearner Post author

      Not yet, I was recommended to look at manaa.space for just reading, but depending on how the story unfolds I might buy. I might ask some friends to bring them when they visit if they can fit it into the suitcase.
      As for the pairing, I have understood that the focus is on the overall family and how they have to make the best of an arranged marriage in that time period since everyone knows that certain things are just not bound to happen for *quite* some time. I’m not far enough in the story to know how they got matched in the first place so that’s also a bit of a mystery to me.

      1. thetakoyakichapter

        Thanks for sharing the link. The only other place I know to read korean manhwa is on Naver comic.naver.com and I think these are self published stories.

  1. Archana

    I’ve heard of this series! I’ve been wanting to read the mangaka’s other famous series Emma for a while now.


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